8 Effective Time Management Strategies For Spoonies To Implement Immediately

Since we’re stuck at home right now, there are ways you can improve the time management strategies to ensure success. It doesn’t matter what your chosen field is, this is a smart way to manage your time to be effective. 

When it comes to budgeting your time well, you have to be proactive in planning out your day and setting long-term goals to drive your daily work. But it can be all too easy to make some of these common costly mistakes:

8 Effective Time Management Strategies For Spoonies To Implement Immediately

Time management tricks for entrepreneurs - blonde designer drawing

First Of The Time Management Strategies; Get A Vision

To find success and reach your personal and/or professional goals, it is vital to have a vision. You need to be able to see how things are now, compared to how you foresee them to be. 

Start Early

So many successful people report getting up at the crack of dawn and starting the day as soon as possible. This helps you to feel less rushed throughout the day and gives you plenty of time to get work done productively. 

Time management techniques for entrepreneurs - post its

Eliminate Distractions

People are easily distracted. This can be one of the most problematic time management mistakes you can make.

Keep your short-term and long-term goals in mind at all times. So, schedule time for yourself to do fun things outside of work. It will mean you aren’t as easily distracted by other activities. 

SMARTER Goal setting. “Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time-Bound, Ethical, Recorded”

Fourth Of The Time Management Strategies; Set Goals And Targets

The only way to work towards success is to know exactly what that looks like for you. You will need to set goals for yourself for every step of the way.

From daily goals to end-of-year targets. This is a guaranteed way of keeping you on track by having some idea of what you are working towards.

Ensure You Write A To-Do List Or An Opportunities List

This is always a good way to give yourself a clear outline of what you need to get done. It will also hold you accountable to your responsibilities.

Writing a to-do list also acts as a reminder as you go along of what you have already achieved and what you still need to do. This is an effective habit to get yourself into: make this process into a habit to really motivate yourself and keep track of your progress.

If you’re trying to focus at work, use a word counter tool to help you eliminate distractions.

Time management tricks for entrepreneurs - sleeping cat

Seventh Of The Time Management Strategies; You Must Rest

The issue of balancing work and rest is always going to be subjective.  You are going to have to judge this for yourself and work out what is most effective for you with regard to how much time you spend working in a day.

But remember, rest is just as important in helping you reach your goals as working is!

“All Progress Takes Place Outside Of The Comfort Zone” Michael John Bobak quote

Don’t Strive For Perfection

Seeking perfection is completely unrealistic and will only add stress to your life.

Instead, focus on trying to do the best you can, given the circumstances and resources at your disposal. You don’t have to be fully prepared for everything.

You can learn as you go and grow from your mistakes and experiences. While planning strategies for effective time management is, of course, important, you also need to be able to take action and seize opportunities as they come, even if you feel unprepared.

Reviewing Your Time Management Strategies

Just because you have laid out a time management strategy you believe will be effective and productive doesn’t mean it will necessarily be effective.

This is why it is vital to regularly review your current time management practices, so you can remain on track to reach your goals and work in the most constructive and efficient way possible. 

Finally, Your Time Management Strategies Could Make Or Break Your Success As An Entrepreneur

While these are just some of the most common mistakes you can make when it comes to time management strategies, there are so many more.

Try to avoid these pitfalls and, at the end of the day, focus on trying to remain flexible to change your methods to find what is right for you to get things done. 

Time management tricks for entrepreneurs - clock

About the Author

Molly Crockett is a writer, specializing in marketing and business, where she advises company managers on how to optimize their business practices. 


Click below to find out how to work with me, Claire DB, art therapist and alignment mindset coach and master manifestor, on my signature 8 Week CBT based success coaching program

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